How my Dad made a Gamer!

Outlanderdude’s Newsletter 5

How I became a Gamer?

These are the list of some important games that pulled me in the gaming world.

  • Delta Force Demo

  • Age of Empires

  • Duke Nukem 3D

  • Metal Slug

  • Commandos

Delta Force Demo:

Flashback to my childhood, around 6-7 years old, when my uncle brought home his first-ever Pentium 3 PC – a real gem and luxury at that time! 🚀 This was my grand introduction to the world of computers, a realm beyond the computer classes in school. My uncle, a gaming enthusiast, had a penchant for the Delta Force Demo, a thrilling first-person shooting game that left me wide-eyed and hooked from the start.

While I may not have mastered the game like a pro, my enthusiasm was unwavering. Picture me, a young gamer, consistently taking on the challenge, even if I never quite completed the demo version. It was a time when every session was an adventure, every click was a step into the virtual unknown. Those were the days of pure gaming magic

Age of Empires:

Now, here's another tale from the gaming archives. My cousin, who had his own PC around the same golden era, created a fortress of strict rules around his gaming turf. It was a challenge to secure some playtime under his watchful eye. However, those rare moments revealed a gaming gem – Age of Empires.

Watching him immerse himself in the world of building, strategizing, and engaging in epic battles was nothing short of mesmerizing. It was my first encounter with a game that wasn't all about blood and fighting. Age of Empires opened up a new genre for me – one where you build, gather, and strategize for victory. Fast forward to today, and that fascination still endures. I proudly keep the Age of Empires series in my Steam library, a testament to a timeless gaming classic!

Duke Nukem 3D:

Time for another chapter in my gaming saga, and this one was introduced by none other than my dad. Now, I have no clue how he stumbled upon this game, but let me tell you, he was downright obsessed! My old man wasn't just any gamer; he was a maestro, the best player I'd ever witnessed. Picture this: he owned his own PC, a luxury back then, and played with a flair that was nothing short of stylish.

He had this uncanny ability to navigate every nook and cranny of the game, unveiling all the hidden spots and revealing the locations of weapons like a gaming savant. But here's the kicker – he wasn't just a gamer; he was a man of style. Picture him, a cigarette dangling from one hand while conquering levels. When it got intense and required both hands, that cigarette gracefully found its place in his mouth. And after emerging victorious, defeating bosses and conquering challenges, he'd take a puff, releasing the smoke in a manner reminiscent of Captain Price.

What adds a profound layer to this tale is that my dad, with a solid 18 years of military service under his belt, had this magnetic charisma that left a lasting impression. To this day, I continue to play the same game in his memory

Metal Slug:

Let me share another gaming tale that spans generations. My dad's gaming journey started when his nephew, not much younger than him, introduced him to a whole new world. With a minimal age difference of around 15 years, my dad, then in his mid-30s, dove headfirst into the Metal Slug universe.

Picture this: a man in his prime, around 35-37, getting introduced to the pixelated wonders of Metal Slug by a nephew who was just starting his gaming adventure. The energy and passion my dad brought to the game mirrored the tales I shared earlier – playing through the entire game in one sitting, with a cigarette in one hand and sometimes a cup of tea. What a gentleman he was – a man of style, focus, and unwavering commitment.

Oh, how I miss him! My father, a gaming enthusiast and a remarkable soul, may his adventurous spirit rest in peace. I still play Metal Slug in his Memory


Last but certainly not least, let's talk about the legendary Commandos franchise – the game that truly hooked me into the world of gaming. Introduced by my gaming fanatic cousins, both masters of the game, they showcased a level of skill that left me in awe. Back when I was around 9-10, attempting the first mission felt like an epic challenge. I might have been pretty terrible at it, dying just five minutes in, but my persistence was unwavering.

I vividly remember begging my cousins to play in front of me so I could watch and learn. It was like having a front-row seat to the gameplay, a concept not so different from today's Let's Play videos. Sometimes, they indulged my request, and sometimes they didn't – that's how I got introduced to the intricate world of Commandos.

Interestingly, my dad, a man of action and quick decisions, wasn't a fan due to its slower pace. His motto was more about getting things done without wasting time. However, over the years, I've not only mastered the game but developed a deep appreciation for it. Commandos 2: Men of Courage still holds a special place in my heart, and occasionally, I revisit it to relive those cherished memories.

Imagine Section:

Picture this: a dream where I could bring back my father, introducing him to the latest gaming marvels, high-tech equipment, and advanced PCs. Oh, the sheer joy he would experience diving into the world of contemporary games, especially his favorites like Call of Duty and other FPS gems. The thought of playing together, exploring new virtual realms, and sharing those moments – it's a vision that resonates deeply.

But, alas, life has its way of dealing unexpected cards. Losing someone dear, especially at untimely moments, is a poignant reality. Even as a grown man, the memory of my father lingers vividly. His strong personality, charisma, and multifaceted roles as a friend, brother, game partner, and motivation continue to shape my thoughts.

I miss him dearly, but I carry his spirit with me. He wasn't just a father; he was an icon. May his soul rest in peace, and may his enduring memory inspire us to cherish every moment